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Friday 15 January 2016

Why I've not been blogging. Finding a new 'normal'.

It has been almost 6 weeks since I have posted anything on my blog.  The time has flown, I cannot believe so much time has passed!

Our gorgeous boy badly burned his hands on a heater at our GP surgery in November and they took a while to heal, bless him he was so very brave.  We then entered the 'Winter Lurgy Zone' which means various members of the household catch a cold or other winter ailment and, despite my best infection prevention measures, the ailment is then passed on to all the other members of our household.  Bubs was poorly on and off for a month before he was prescribed antibiotics and recovered within a couple of days.  

There has also been chronic sleep deprivation caused by bubs teething.  He only has a few teeth left to come though, thank goodness.  Surviving on 4 or 5 hours sleep each night, and with a busy household to run, not to mention a hectic night shift each week, has left me exhausted with no energy or urge to blog anything.

Bubs is so active, we have to watch him all the time, and his nap times vary from day to day, so blogging during the week became nearly impossible.  Added to that, the dreaded Winter lack of light, when sunset is around 4pm, there's no chance of me getting a decent photo of any evening meals or bakes.

However, I think I'm getting some blogging mojo back. I have been baking and developing recipes on a Saturday, photographing when there is decent natural light.  It won't quite be normal service resuming but I am getting there.  Figuring out a new normal, making sure I take care of myself and my family, as well as nurturing this creative outlet and sharing our recipes with you all.

Here's to a New Year of makes, bakes and garden adventures! 


  1. Hope your little boy gets better :-) x

  2. Happy new year Michelle. I have missed your blog posts but know how it it to do it all xx

  3. You have been missed and it's good to see you back. Sometimes blogging has to take a back seat to real life and it sounds like you've had your hands full! Sorry to hear about your little boy x
