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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Fully Loaded Vegetable Frittata

I do like a delicious, quick and healthy dinner idea.  We make frittatas often for lunch or dinner, they're great for using up vegetables lurking in the fridge.

I was asked by Lion Eggs to share this fab Fully Loaded Vegetable Frittata recipe with you from vlogger Barry Lewis from My Virgin Kitchen.  

It’s a really easy and healthy meal that can be made in minutes, what’s more eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals and keep you feeling fuller for longer. 

Fully Loaded Vegetable Frittata

8 British Lion free range eggs
8 cherry tomatoes, sliced
6 button mushrooms, sliced
Handful fresh spinach
4 tbsp sweetcorn
1/2 courgette, sliced
3 spring onions, sliced
1 pepper, sliced roughly
1 avocado, peeled and chopped in chunks
Handful fresh parsley
Large handful grated extra mature cheddar cheese
(use extra cheese if you wish to top up before baking)
To serve: sweet chilli sauce, side salad

Here's Barry cooking the delicious frittata:

For many more delicious and exciting recipes head over to 

** Commissioned Post **

1 comment:

  1. It's a great way to eat loads of veggies and to get the children to eat them. It looks yummy!
