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Saturday 10 January 2015

Quick Bread Rolls

Having a young baby and three older children means that baking these days has to be either very quick or able to be fitted in around everything else that is going on.  Over the festive season, when everyone had a bad cold at one time or another, we had lots of soups as they are a great way to get vegetables into us and are also easy to swallow if you've got a sore throat.  

I developed this recipe as a way of making bread rolls at morning tea time that would be ready to eat with lunch.  You can flavour the rolls how you like, I like to add dried mixed herbs and sometimes I use garlic butter instead of normal butter.  You can sprinkle over some grated cheese before you bake them if you want.

Quick Bread Rolls

375ml milk, I used semi skimmed
40g butter, cut into small chunks
3 tablespoons sugar
650g plain or bread flour, I used 400g plain flour and 250g wholemeal flour
7g instant yeast, 1 sachet
1 1/2 tsp salt

Cut the butter into small cubes then put in a microwave safe jug or small saucepan. Heat the milk and butter until lukewarm. Leave to cool until it's around 38C, or cool enough to hold a finger in without it feeling hot or cold.  Measure the flour into a bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the milk and butter mixture along with the yeast and salt. Mix until a soft dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a well floured board and pat out into a rectangle shape. 

Grease a 25cm x 35cm (approximately 9×13 inches) baking dish. I use a large pyrex dish.

Divide the dough roughly into 12 or 24 portions and carefully form into balls. I made 24 as our appetites weren't as big as usual and the smaller rolls suited us.  Put the dough balls into the greased dish, cover the dish with clingfilm and leave to prove in a warm place for half an hour. Preheat your oven to 180C/160C Fan. Bake the rolls in your preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.


  1. lovely recipe, will be trying this

  2. Morning tea!! When we were on holiday in NZ about 10 years ago visiting family we discovered this joyous meal :) the rolls look great, might try them this weekend xx

  3. Replies
    1. I didn't end up using an egg in this recipe. I've corrected the recipe :)

  4. Do you need to knead as you would with normal bread dough? Just found your blog its great already made your flat breads big hit with my 3 year old!!

    1. I kneaded it for probably a couple of minutes at the most in the mixer. You don't need to knead it like you would a normal loaf. The dough is really soft.
