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Monday 1 April 2013

Fresh from The Oven March Round Up

It was a very quiet month this month, perhaps the reasons were the weather being dreadful, Easter falling early and everyone succumbing to illness at one point or other.  

Nevertheless I completed the challenge to bake English Muffins which was set by Helen from Fuss Free Flavours and so did the lovely Tandy Sinclair from Lavender and Lime.

Here are my English Muffins:

And here are the delicious Sourdough English Muffins from Tandy:

The April Challenge is being hosted by Jen from Blue Kitchen Bakes and is Knackerbröd which should be a brilliant bake to try!  Do give it a go and I shall post the roundup on my blog no later than 2nd May.  I look forward to seeing your bakes.

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