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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Versatile Savoury Bites

These are fab after school snacks, lunchbox fillers or weekend/holiday lunches.  You can use pizza base mix (I won't tell anyone) or use the recipe below.  Vary the fillings according to what you have available. I used grated carrot, diced green pepper, salami and cheddar cheese this time.

Versatile Savoury Bites

2 cups self raising flour
2 cups of natural yoghurt
extra flour for dusting the board

Filling Suggestions:
2 Tblsp tomato paste mixed with 1 Tblsp water
Chopped spring onions, deseeded and diced peppers, tinned sweetcorn (drained), grated carrot, olives, chopped ham, bacon or salami.  You could also make these with vegemite/marmite and cheese or pesto and cheese.  My girls also like sundried tomato, goats cheese and rocket/spinach.

Preheat your oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

In a bowl combine the flour and yoghurt and bring together to form a ball.  Turn out onto a floured board and knead for 5-8 minutes until you have a smooth and elastic dough.

Roll into a large rectangle, spread over the tomato past then sprinkle over whichever toppings you have on hand.  Top with grated cheese.

Tightly roll from long end to long end.

Cut into 2cm slices and put on the lined baking tray either cut side up or seam side down.  Sprinkle some extra cheese on top then bake for 15 – 20 minutes until golden.


  1. Mmmm, yum you have made me very hungry now and if I had yoghurt in the house I would be making some right now!

  2. I've made similar before using puff pastry but the pastry didn't cook through properly in the middle. Does it work better using your recipe? Thanks!

    1. Hiya, I think the secret is to not make the fillings too wet and have the oven at a fairly high temperature if you are using puff pastry, around 200C. Also if you cut them too thick they will not cook through before the outside crisps up. Hope this helps :o)

  3. Fab recipe Michelle, I've made flatbreads and then fried them with the same ingredients so this is a new one on me - I'm sure my kids will love these, thanks for sharing:-)

  4. Never made a dough with yoghurt before so will have to give these a go. My 6 year old loves to cook so this is a perfect make for her.

    1. It is a really good recipe to bake with kids, even very young ones can knead the dough and there's only 2 ingredients to measure :)

  5. Will absolutely be trying this, i am always looking for ideas for snacks for the kids, woould it work with wholemeal flour too?

    1. I have made it with half wholemeal and half normal flour before and it worked fine. It should work with all wholemeal flour too but I haven't tried yet.

  6. We are so having these on Friday, they sound delicious. I make vegetarian "sausage rolls" and these will be a tasty alternative. I will try them with spiced chick peas and spinach with some goats cheese.

    1. Spiced chickpeas, spinach and goats cheese sounds delicious! Will have to try that falvour combo with my 3 girls :)

    2. Hi, thanks for the recipe, my dough turned out very sticky even though i added extra flour, so i couldn't roll it over, i just had to fold it over like a calzone before baking. Any tips?

    3. Hi Mark, put plenty of flour on the bench when you roll it out or perhaps use less yoghurt next time you make it. I use a fairly thick natural yoghurt to make mine, thinner yoghurts might make the dough more sticky too. You could also use half wholemeal flour which will better absorb the yoghurt and make the dough less sticky and add extra fibre.

    4. Hi Mark
      Another thought came to me as to why the dough would be too sticky, when the dough is first mixed it is really sticky but you need to knead it until it becomes pliable and stretchy like normal pizza dough before you roll it out. Perhaps kneading it for a longer time would help.

    5. thanks for your replies Michelle. On reflection i think I may have missed out most of the kneading stage! My seven year old was helping and i got a bit distracted and after the mixing we went straight on to rolling out! I'll have to try the recipe again.
